Medical Acupuncture at Milton Keynes Sports Therapy
Target Pain, Enhance Recovery
Medical acupuncture, also known as dry needling, is a powerful technique to reduce pain, ease muscle tension, and improve movement. At Milton Keynes Sports Therapy, we integrate this effective treatment into your recovery plan to deliver fast and noticeable results.
What Is Medical Acupuncture?
Medical acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles into trigger points, muscles, or specific body areas. This treatment:
Speeds Recovery: Promotes blood flow and healing in the treated area.
Relieves Pain: Releases endorphins and other natural painkillers.
Eases Muscle Tension: Helps tight muscles relax for improved mobility.
How Does It Work?
Rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture has evolved into a modern treatment supported by research. The needles stimulate the nervous system, triggering the release of hormones like cortisol and endorphins that reduce pain and promote healing.
What to Expect
Results: Many patients report immediate improvement in pain and mobility.
Consultation: We’ll discuss your symptoms and determine if acupuncture suits your needs.
Treatment: Small, sterile needles are inserted into targeted areas. Most patients feel minimal discomfort, often described as a mild ache or tingling.
Is dry needling right for you?
This treatment is especially effective for:
- Chronic pain, such as back, neck, or shoulder discomfort.
- Muscular tension or trigger points.
- Injuries that haven’t responded well to other treatments.
If you’re not a fan of needles, don’t worry—our team can suggest alternative therapies.
Pricing and Bookings
Senior Therapist: £37 per session